Sabtu, 31 Desember 2016

Secondary Data Analysis A Method Of Which the Time Has Come

Secondary Data Analysis:
A Method of which the Time Has Come

Melissa P. Johnston, PhD
School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL,USA

           Technological advances have led to vast amounts of data that has been collected, compiled, and archived, and that is now easily accessible for research. As a result, utilizing existing data for research is becoming more prevalent, and therefore secondary data analysis. While secondary analysis is flexible and can be utilized in several ways, it is also an empirical exercise and a systematic method with procedural and evaluative steps, just as in collecting and evaluating primary data. secondary data analysis is a viable method to utilize in the process of inquiry when a systematic procedure is followed and presents an illustrative research application utilizing secondary data analysis in library and information science research.

Secondary data analysis is analysis of data that was collected by someone else for another primary purpose. The utilization of this existing data provides a viable option for researchers who may have limited time and resources. Secondary analysis is an empirical exercise that applies the same basic research principles as studies utilizing primary data and has steps to be followed just as any research method. Hakim (1982) defines secondary analysis as “any further analysis of an existing dataset which presents interpretations, conclusions or knowledge additional.   Most research begins with an investigation to learn what is already known and what remains to be learned about a topic through reviewing secondary sources and investigations others have previously conducted in the specified area of interest. Secondary data analysis takes this one step further, including a review of previously collected data in the area of interest. While secondary data analysis is a flexible approach and can be utilized in several ways, it is also an empirical exercise with procedural and evaluative steps, just as there are in collecting and evaluating primary data (Doolan & Froelicher, 2009). Secondary data analysis remains an under-used research technique in many fields, including LIS. Given the increasingly availability of previously collected data to researchers, it is important to further define secondary data analysis as a systematic research method. Yet, few frameworks are available to guide researchers as they conduct secondary data analysis (Andrews et al., 2012; Smith et al., 2011).

Secondary analysis is a systematic method with procedural and evaluative steps, yet there is a lack of literature to define a specific process. The key to secondary data analysis is to apply theoretical knowledge and conceptual skills to utilize existing data to address the research questions. Hence, the first step in the process is to develop the research questions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the enablers and barriers that school librarians experience enacting a leadership role in technology integration. The research questions that guided this work are: What enablers or supporting factors do accomplished school librarians perceive as enablers in enacting the role of leader in technology integration? What barriers or constraining factors do accomplished school librarians perceive to enacting the role of leader in technology integration? What is the association between accomplished school librarians involved at a high level in technology integration leadership and the identified enablers/barriers in comparison to the other participants?

Data may already exist that can be utilized in addressing the research questions. In the case of this research an in-depth literature review of the areas of interest was conducted examining the previous and current work of experts in the field of school librarianship and technology. Through the literature review other researchers on this topic were identified, as were agencies and research centers that have conducted related studies. Recent research and findings from the top ranked school library preparation programs were identified and reviewed, as were dissertations in the areas of technology, leadership, and school librarians. Finally, local informal networks can also provide valuable information in determining what research is currently being conducted (Magee, Lee, Giuliano, & Munro, 2006). This is especially relevant in the field of school librarianship, which is a very connected community. The researcher had the benefit of an informal network, in that she was a part of the team that worked on background research and survey construction for a then current study by the Partnerships for Advancing Library Media (PALM) Center at Florida State University (FSU). Original survey research rarely uses all of the data collected and this unused data can provide answers or different perspectives to other questions or issues (Heaton, 2008, Johnston, 2012; Smith, 2008), yet the key to using existing survey data effectively to find meaningful answers is a good fit between the research question and the dataset (Doolan & Froelicher, 2009; Kiecolt & Nathan, 1985; Magee et al, 2006). In this study, the research questions fit well with that of the original study since both studies focused on school librarians and technology leadership. The researcher’s relationship with the primary investigators, made her aware that data collected from questions addressing enablers and barriers to leadership in technology integration had not been analyzed or reported. Finding that this data would adequately address her research questions and that the primary method of data collection was appropriately suited to her research, the decision was made to utilize existing survey data to find the answers to different research questions than were asked in the original research.

Secondary data analysis offers methodological benefits and can contribute to LIS research through generating new knowledge (Heaton, 2008, Johnston, 2012; Smith, 2008). The overall goal of this method is the same as that of others, to contribute to scientific knowledge through offering an alternate perspective; it only differs in its reliance on existing data. LIS researchers should take advantage of the high quality data that are available and consider the potential value in gaining knowledge and giving insight into a broad range of LIS issues through utilizing secondary data analysis method. Yet, successful secondary analysis of data requires a systematic process that acknowledges challenges of utilizing existing data and addresses the distinct characteristics of secondary analysis. The process proposed from this application in LIS research provides a systematic process that includes steps to undertake to avoid possible limitations. In a time where the large amounts of data being collected, compiled, and archived by researchers all over the world are now more easily accessible, the time has definitely come for secondary data analysis as a viable method for LIS research.

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Jumat, 30 Desember 2016

Data sekunder Mengenai Sekolah kepustakawan dan Teknologi

Berdasarkan jurnal mengenai sekolah kepustakawan dan teknologi tersebut data sekunder merupakan sejumlah besar data yang telah dikumpulkan, disusun, diarsipkan dan mudah untuk diaksesnya. Data sekunder merupakan metode yang layak untuk dimanfaatkan dalam proses penyelidikan untuk memberikan informasi untuk tujuan tertentu. 

Analisis data sekunder merupakan metode yang sistematis dengan langkah-langkah prosedural dan evaluatif. Namun pada analisis data sekunder terdapat kekurangan literatur untuk menentukan proses tertentu. Analisis data sekunder menerapkan pengetahuan teoritis dan keterampilan konseptual dalam memanfaatkan data yang ada untuk menjawab masalah pada penelitian. Langkah awal dalam proses analisis data sekunder yaitu mengembangkan pertanyaan penelitian yang berfungsi untuk mengetahui permasalahan secara jelas dan mendetail. Berdasarkan jurnal tersebut tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menyelidiki hambatan pustakawan sekolah dalam teknologi.

Data sekunder yang telah didapat tersebut akan dimanfaatkan dalam mengatasi pertanyaan-pertanyaan pada penelitian. Pada kasus ini mendalami kajian literatur pada ahli dibidang kepustakawanan sekolah dan teknologi dalam bidang memeriksa pekerjaan sebelumnya. Melalui literatur tersebut dapat identifikasi dan dilakukan penelitian terkait hal tersebut. Berdasarkan identifikasi yang dilakukan maka diketahui bahwa jaringan informal lokal juga dapat memberikan informasi berharga dalam menentukan penelitian apa yang sedang dilakukan. hal ini sangat relevan dibidang kepustakawanan sekolah yang merupakan komunitas yang sangat terhubung. Berdasarkan jurnal mengenai data sekunder kepustakawan sekolah diketahui bahwa data yang dikumpulkan dalam mengatasi hambatan pada kepemimpinan menemukan bahwa data ini cukup untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian dengan pengumpulan data yang telah disesuaikan peneliti. Hal ini berarti data sekunder yang dicari dirasa cukup untuk mengatasi hambatan pada kepemimpinan pustakawan sekolah.

Berdasarkan jurnal tersebut maka analisis data sekunder bermanfaat dalam penelitian sehingga dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang terdapat pada kepemimpinanan kepustakawan sekolah dengan menghasilkan pengetahuan baru. Tujuan yang didapat dari penggunaan metode ini yaitu menambah pengetahuan ilmiah dengan menawarkan perspektif alternatif pada data yang ada sehingga data yang diambil memiliki tingakt akurasi yang tinggi dalam memberikan wawasan baru. Namun pada analisis data sekunder membutuhkan proses yang sistematis dalam mencakup langkah-langkah dan membutuhkan waktu untuk mengumpulkan sejumlah data yang banyak dan tepat.